Basic Building Benchmarking Workbook w/ Audit Checklist


This workbook provides all the basics to organize your electricity consumption, solar production, natural gas, and water data. Print out a 2 page report for your customer.

Spreadsheets are a great way to easily organize utility bills, especially for us DIYers. This workbook provides all the basics to organize your electricity consumption, solar production, natural gas, and water data. You can select whichever format you receive your data in (monthly, Time of Use, hourly, or 15-minute intervals).


– A comprehensive checklist for your energy audit
– A printable/PDF-ready page for inputting basic building info. Have your customer input what they know ahead of time.
– a printable/PDF-ready basic report. Highlighting your customer’s utility bills and building info.
– Benchmark against industry recommended CBECS data

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